Backyard Labyrinths Featured in The Washington Post

Following a December article in The Wall Street Journal, Labyrinth Company founder David Tolzmann was interviewed for today's Washington Post feature on the growth of labyrinths as backyard amenities:

Washington Post Article on Labyrinths in Backyards

Here is a brief gallery of labyrinths created in client yards using our template and kit products:

Nightime shot of St Paul labyrinth in Santa Fe NM. Lines of the labyrinth were augmented with rope lights and glow under newly fallen snow.

Akron OH - Round Classical design with extra-wide lines so the grass thrives despite the heat-sink effect of the flagstone pathways.

Albuquerque NM - Abingdon labyrinth with flagstone pathways and river rock lines.

Inspired? Please check out our Garden Labyrinth Templates for more examples.

David Tolzmann
David Tolzmann


3 Responses

Viola Johnson
Viola Johnson

April 25, 2021

I love the idea of the extra wide lines shown in the above round classic design. Is that something that can be incorporated into one of your backyard templates? Would love to be able to use flowers, ground covers and solar lights to outline the labyrinth path.

Steve shabazz
Steve shabazz

March 24, 2021

I like the night time shot and others


January 19, 2021

Please send me some labyrinth designs and prices! I am interested in creating one in my spacious back yard!

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